With locations in New Orleans, Houston and Mississippi, Esther's Haven House provides a safe environment and transitional housing for domestic violence victims, homeless women, formally incarcerated women, and those with HIV/AIDS. We aim to get our clients stabilized so they can have peace of mind.
Inspired by Kings & Queens
Encountering people from all walks of life, we want everyone to live, look, and act like royalty. Esther was a queen in the Bible who saved her people and provided everything for them. We want to "help a sister out," no matter where she's been or what she's done, by letting her know she is a queen and treating her like one. We also let men know they are princes or kings, and they are expected to act accordingly.
About the Founder
Keeping with the royal theme, Founder Kiesha Keller loves purple, gold, royal blue, and scarlet red. She often wears these colors, especially purple! She wants everyone to know that everything the Bible says you can have, you can have! If you want something, strive for it. One method she recommends is getting a picture frame and writing down everything you plan on doing. It's called Framing the Possibilities. Her long-term plan is to become nationally affiliated and spread Esther's Haven House across the United States.
Ms. Kiesha Keller is the founder of Esther’s Haven House. Founded in 2002, Esther’s Haven House was created to empower individuals in the community who have had difficulties reentering society as a result of incarceration, homelessness, chronic illnesses such as breast cancer and HIV AIDS
Since 2002, Ms. Kiesha Keller has worked to stabilize the lives of the individuals served by Esther’s Haven House, Inc. As a founder she has worked diligently to empower individuals to survive. Survival four EHH’s Founder means working to rebuild one’s life through education, training, holistic healthcare, and community engagement. No man or woman is an island at EHH, Inc. as a part of the EHH family, every participant must do his or her part to help make the organization a success.
In 2002, after founding EHH, Inc. Ms. Keller began working with community partners to help members of the community survive negative life outcomes, standing not he street corner she began getting homeless individuals to take charge of their lives. First, by finding a sheltering space, usually at the EHH, Inc, community shelter, then helping them to attain gainful employment or enroll in a continuing education program such as GED or community college program, and finally helping them to transition to long-term housing. For families with children, this process was a true commitment to Keller. Many times in her early life she remembers the struggles and sacrifices that her mother had to make to keep a roof over her family’s head.
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina changed the entire outlook of the community. Living in New Orleans, understanding the homeless problem was unique and challenging and very difficult in those early years after the storm. Continuing to expand our collaborative partnerships, EHH, Inc. and Keller worked diligently to help families return home. Small challenges were getting children back into school, helping parents get jobs, and find stable housing.
Now 13 years later, EHH, Inc. founder can be found on any given day, standing on the corner of any street, promoting her organization and getting to know the people on the street or visiting prisoners in The EHH Replanting Roots Today Reentry Program, to help incarcerated individuals prepare their minds and attitudes for returning to their communities. So much happening, so many commitments can leave Keller stretched thin, but anyone who knows her will tell you she has never met a stranger and all you have to do is ask and she will take the clothes off her back and give them to you.
One of her favorite sayings is “It takes a village …” and if you are ever in New Orleans , Houston or the surrounding areas, look on a corner in any Main Street, and watch for this strong committed community advocate as she does what she does best, take care of the community.